Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For Ciera

Even though we've had our differences, you are forever my first-born, my beautiful girl. All I've ever wanted for you was to be happy, loved and safe. Life threw me a sucker punch over the weekend - I nearly lost you. I've been blessed with the chance to start anew with you. You've been given a second chance to make your life the best it can be, to fulfill all your dreams; everything is right there in front of you, waiting for you to reach out and take it. Grab on, my sweet girl. I'm right behind you, cheering. I love you with all my heart.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just things

I ask you peeps out there - if you can't mess with your co-workers to lighten up the mood while toiling away at work, what fun is it to go?? lol A few little practical jokes played on the Safety Director over the last 24 hours has brought quite a little bit of satisfaction and mirth to my otherwise tedious workday. He's been a good sport about it, I must admit. And big thanks to my partner in crime, who shall remain nameless at this time lest I incriminate her. And although I know that retribution is a-comin', it was worth it. In spades. I'll let you know how I feel on that subject later...AFTER the punishment is meted out =0)

Getting tired of the stinkin weather. I'm sick of going back and forth between snow/rain/cold and sun/more sun/warm. At this point, I need Mother Nature to pick one or the other and I;m not caring which. Just pick one! That way I don't get all giddy and excited when the sun's out and I am running the streets only to have my little feelers stomped on the next day when it's cold and 35 degrees. That's just plain mean!! ;0)

Have you ever talked about someone you haven't heard from or seen in a long time, only to have them show up or have contact with them within a couple days? Most unsettling. Even when it's a joyous occassion it's still a little "Twilight Zone" for me...sort of spooky. I've had that happen twice in the past week. Both times was a happy event, don't misunderstand me. It just makes me question what cosmic force was at work to cause them. And if I talk about the winning Powerball ticket, do you think it will materialize for me??? LOL

Have a great evening!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March B-days and Fry Sauce

March is a great month for birthdays. Besides moi, there are several people I know who have birthdays this month (hi Nikki! Happy [late] birthday); then there are peeps I don't know - Dr Seuss, Chuck Norris (70 today? really??), Dee Snider (of Twisted Sister fame), to name a few. And then there's this - fry sauce. Fry sauce turns 60 today! I'm sure you all wanted to know that. It was a burning question you NEEDED the anwer to before you could rest easily, right? LOL It must've been a slow news day because I found the story on the local news channel 5 website this morning. Otherwise I'd have gone on about life without ever knowing the answer to when fry sauce was 'born'. Some of you may not know what fry sauce is; to you I give my condolences. Growing up in Idaho, fry sauce was a normal part of fry consuming life. Originally you could only find it at Artic Circle, which as it happens was the Utah-based burger joint who invented the stuff. If you wanted fry sauce at McD’s or BK, you had to make it yourself with ketchup and mayo (wasn’t the same though) in order to dip ‘n’ dunk those golden yummy fries in the pink stuff. It wasn’t until I was in Colorado on vacation in the early 80’s that I discovered that it was apparently a ‘local thing’. In a McDonalds in Fort Collins, I requested some fry sauce to go with my French fries; the teenager behind the register looked at me like I had lobsters climbing out of my ears and was sprouting wings! “Fry….sauce??? I don’t know what that is.” Huh?? I thought EVERYONE on the planet had fry sauce. It is still a relatively local phenom; you'd think that after 60 years it would be omnipresent in burger places near and far. Sadly no. I have a friend who sends her son in Colorado (maybe it's just Colorado who's not gotten the memo yet...) a gallon of it every other month. Yes, FedEx will deliver just about anything. But I digress. So Happy Birthday all you March babies! and here's to the wonderful guys at Artic Circle who 60 years ago made the world better for fry lovers everywhere. Well, at least in Utah and Idaho ;0)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Shades of Hades

I'm in hell. Help! Help! Help! {{sigh}} I've been working a new report at work, which began life 3 weeks ago as a report for just my boss, my GM and a couple other peeps in my dept. It has now snowballed into a report I send every day to about 10 people in addition to my boss and GM. I spent the first 2 weeks tweaking, reconciling and fine tuning. 4 more items have been added in the last week, with several more to come. Oh and then there's the guy who keeps telling me my numbers are wrong. No. They are NOT 'wrong'. My numbers are spot on, Jack. I think if he comes in my office to talk to me or emails me about this report again this week I'm going to lose it. To borrow a phrase from one of my favorite movies, "if I lose my temper, you're totaled." Grr!!!