I ask you peeps out there - if you can't mess with your co-workers to lighten up the mood while toiling away at work, what fun is it to go?? lol A few little practical jokes played on the Safety Director over the last 24 hours has brought quite a little bit of satisfaction and mirth to my otherwise tedious workday. He's been a good sport about it, I must admit. And big thanks to my partner in crime, who shall remain nameless at this time lest I incriminate her. And although I know that retribution is a-comin', it was worth it. In spades. I'll let you know how I feel on that subject later...AFTER the punishment is meted out =0)
Getting tired of the stinkin weather. I'm sick of going back and forth between snow/rain/cold and sun/more sun/warm. At this point, I need Mother Nature to pick one or the other and I;m not caring which. Just pick one! That way I don't get all giddy and excited when the sun's out and I am running the streets only to have my little feelers stomped on the next day when it's cold and 35 degrees. That's just plain mean!! ;0)
Have you ever talked about someone you haven't heard from or seen in a long time, only to have them show up or have contact with them within a couple days? Most unsettling. Even when it's a joyous occassion it's still a little "Twilight Zone" for me...sort of spooky. I've had that happen twice in the past week. Both times was a happy event, don't misunderstand me. It just makes me question what cosmic force was at work to cause them. And if I talk about the winning Powerball ticket, do you think it will materialize for me??? LOL
Have a great evening!!