Monday, January 16, 2012

Amelia's Plight

I read the story of Amelia on another site, and the posting from another blogger who, rightfully, is outraged at the Childrens Hospital of Philidelphia for denying a life-saving kidney transplant to this little girl for the fact that she is considered "mentally retarded". Not only do they use this as an excuse to deny the preceedure (which, by the way, the family will donate the kidney for), they also pull out the 'quality of life' excuse. This child is someone's daughter. She matters to them - her LIFE matters to them, even if she doesn't fit the doctors criteria for being important enough to save. I guess I must have missed the part where when doctors take the oath to first do no harm and save lives, that it listed the exclusions. C'mon, doctors of Childrens Hospital of the right thing.

This is the link to the story about Amelia being denied the operation:

Here is a link to the petition by to get the hospital to do the operation:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wise Words From a Sponge

I saw this quote the other day and just fell in love with it, so I am sharing it with all of you.

"You will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
~Spongebob Squarepants

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Sick and the Tired

Ohhhh man what a long, miserable couple days it has been. That rat bastard, Stomach Flu Bug, caught me in a half-Nelson! Drug me right down to the floor - the BATHROOM floor - and wouldn't let me up until today. Hoping I can take on the multiple flights of stairs at work tomorrow without keeling over. Just putting a load of laundry in to wash today left me dizzy, winded and totally wiped me out :( What doesn't kill me will make me stronger, right?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Start

I'm a sheep. I am joining the masses who decided to get in shape this year. Or in my case, BACK in shape. I totally lost my mojo in 2011. I got lazy about my workouts, undisciplined in my eating (I let carbs back in, and bread, oh the bread...I can't have it - allegic to yeast - but that didn't stop me, did it?)and the result is a flabby out of shape bod. Ugh. This is unacceptable. So I am recommiting myself to healthy eating, eliminating carbs again, and pushing myself hard to reclaim the fit, trim me I was before. In the immortal words of Yoda, "Do or do not, there is no try."