It's looking very much like a good day to hit the MC. That is if my knee will cooperate....after my 1.5 mile run this morning it ended up with IcyHot on it (hate that smell!!)and wrapped up. I'm sure my office already smells like it and the odor will trail me everywhere I go today....why keep that lovely aroma to myself?? (haha)
I can't believe that school will be out for the summer in a matter of weeks. Boy did that go fast! I hope to spend more time in the mountains doing some hiking this year, maybe spend a couple days in Yellowstone, definately hang out at the lake with the fam...I need to be cloned so one of me can go to work and the other can stay home and enjoy the summer.
I asked around at work about the little blue birds that have popped up in my yard the last few days...no one seems to know what they are either, but they have seen them as well. I'll have to contact the bird people at the nature center and see if they have an idea. They're sure cute.
Okay, pics....at the bottom is the MC and the road I run up to it, then my little blue friends, and I'm throwing in a pic of the blooms on my son's peach tree, which is LOADED with blossoms....I have a sneaking suspicion that we're going to have peaches out our ears this fall :0)
Make it a good day y'all!!!