Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Huffing and puffing....

So after work yesterday I got ambitious and decided to walk to the "MC" and back. In the picture above (taken a few years ago), you can see the housing addition I live in, and up on the mountain on the right side of the pic you can see the "MC" painted on the hillside (I'll take a couple pics that show it better and show the incline). I usually walk/run the dirt road going to the base of the hill during the warm weather, but have just never thought about taking the trip up there. And so I went. Up. And up some more. Instead of taking the fork in the road that has the smaller incline, I opted instead to take the road that goes almost straight up. What a workout! By the time I reached the top I thought I'd never catch my breath and I'd have to call Search and Rescue to get me back down....my energy level was zilch at that point (they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger). But I made it. The whole 2 mile trip in about an hour. Exhiliration and elation closed over my brain like a warm blanket on the way home...what a great feeling to accomplish my goal!! As an added bonus on the way back home, I spotted a cow elk in the alfalfa field across the road from my house, munching and lifting her head to quietly assess my intentions as I passed by. Picture perfect way to end my excursion.

1 comment:

crazydarla said...

That is AMAZING! I am way proud of you!!! I keep trying to find a good size hill to climb LOL - my sister lives in Twin and hikes the gorge a few times each week - wish I had something like that closer by! For now I'll have to take what I have - the little hills at Freeman Park! LOL Although I was thinking of hitting the Ucon Pit a few times, that might give me a workout!!!! :O)
WAY TO GO!!!!!