Monday, June 30, 2008

2 Wheelers

Welcome to Monday....hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

We seem to have a rather large bicycle population here in the valley. From spring to fall you can see packs of them on their bikes, their colorful helmets and racing jerseys pulling your attention to them. And I'm not just talking about 4 or 5 riders; I mean 12, 16 or more in a group. It's like a plague of locusts! These people annoy me to no end. They think they own the dang road! These folks get angry at those of us who are of the opinion that they need to ride on the shoulder of the road or at least in single-file. They say that they have the right to ride on the streets. Well, okay...if you're gonna use the road then follow the rules of the road. Like stopping at a 4-way stop, for instance. Or how about pulling over to the side to let the backed-up traffic behind your slow riding 2-wheel butts go by you? Here's an idea...not a road rule but just something that seems like a good sense....DON'T RIDE THROUGH THE CANYONS!!! These roads are narrow, without a shoulder most of the time (and when there is one they're very very small), winding road with blind curves. NOT a good place to ride a bicycle!! It's hard enough to drive a car through the canyons on these roads; we don't need to try to navigate around you and your bicycle! Bicyclers seem to want it both ways...they want to use the streets but don't want to follow the rules. Pick one, guys - either get with the program or get off the road.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Feelin' Lazy

Yes! Friday Friday Friday!! Sooooo hard to get out of bed this morning. I would love to be anyplace other than at work today, especially if I can spend it with family and friends :0)

Kitty update: Scar is doing quite a bit better; he's breathing so much easier and is acting like his old self. Yesterday I brought my son some popcorn chicken and fries home for lunch and Scar practically mugged him for the chicken! I don't know who ate more, Chris or the cat (LOL). So I will contact the vet and request that we continue with the injection(s) until they are no longer working. But of course if there is even the slightest hint that Scar is in pain, we will do the right thing and put him to sleep :0< Not looking forward to that day at all.

Our town is beginning it's normal week-long 4th of July celebration this weekend, starting with a rodeo tonight and tomorrow. They have all kinds of activities through out the week - dances, food and crafts in the town square, all kinds of stuff for the children, and it ends on the 2nd with our firework show. For a small town, our fireworks are actually really good. Then next week during the 3rd - 5th is the annual Cruise In car show, with the band Styx playing a concert the night of the 3rd. Each year the car club that hosts the Cruise In gives away a car; each admission ticket is put into the hopper and they draw a name the last day of the car show. This year is a 1970 Dodge Charger - a good ol' made in the USA muscle car. Woo hoo!!! I didn't get the '68 Camaro they gave away 2 years ago, so maybe this will be my lucky year (ha ha). Although right now with the gas prices I can't afford to DRIVE IT!

You all enjoy your weekend and stay cool!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good and Bad

The good news is that I found our sick cat, Scar, Tuesday night. He was laying in the hay field across the road from our house. Apparently it had become so hard for him to breathe that the exertion of walking back home was just too much for him to handle. So I scooped him up and carried him home while he purred happily. The bad news is that the vet examined him yesterday and showed me the x-rays of his little body, which is now filled with fluid (and I do mean filled...his chest and abodomen are full which is why he can't breathe room for air) due to a condition called Feline Infectious Peritonitus. Its caused by a virus (vet said he's probably had this since he was born and that is common) and is incurable. There are a couple things we are trying to see if it will help him breathe better (a shot of anitbiotic and a shot of diuretic, which are seeming to help) but eventually he will die from it. So while we're happy to have him home, it's just a waiting game now to see how much longer we have him.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

'bye Scar

Yesterday I was supposed to take our cat, Scar, to the vet. He has been breathing heavily the last while and over the weekend it worsened considerably. Of course there aren't any vets open Saturday nights or on Sundays, so I figured I would take him yesterday morning. He has been acting normal - eating good, drinking well, wanting attention - aside from the breathing, and I was thinking he may have a bit of asthma from what I had read online. He was wanting out Sunday night to get the cool night air, which seemed to make him feel better. So I let him out. Yesterday Scar. Went to work to turn in vacation request, get a report done, came Scar. Waited all day. No Scar. No Scar this morning. I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing our kitty again. And I am wracked with guilt because I didn't get him to the vet and I am afraid he is laying out there suffering. I think it would take 2 of me to feel any worse. I hope to God he shows up so I can get him help, but it's so unusual for him to not to come home, especially if he's not feeling well, that I think he's gone. So 'bye Putzo...we'll miss your fuzzy little "Nermal" face, your curly tummy hairs and your white "boxing gloves", and I will even miss the mouse parts on the doorstep.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I Baked!

Holy cow! I had Betty Crocker moment yesterday and baked my little heart out. I made 3 loaves of yummy white bread from scratch - I can't remember the last time I made's got to be at least 8 years - and 3 dozen Oatmeal Raisen cookies. I enjoy cooking, and when I was a SAHM I baked cookies all the time. Then after I started working full time, it got to be here and there, then just at Christmas, to not at all. Everything turned out yummy, which is either good or bad depending on how you look at it....if it had turned out badly, I wouldn't be eating it and packing on a pound or 2. But since it's not an everyday thing, I'll just have to work harder during my runs and TRY not to munch on the bread. Cookies I can resist, but oh, that bread!!!

Cutting out of work early today. Got a very sick cat that is in dire need of medical attention. Cross my fingers that I'm not bleeding profusely after taking him (LOL). The vet is NOT his favorite person.

By the way, George Carlin passed overnight. He may have been crude, rude and politically incorrect but he was still funny. Some of our kids even know him as "Mr Conductor" from the Thomas the Tank Engine show, and he was wonderful as that character. Thanks for the giggles, Mr Carlin.

Have a great day!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Well I surprised myself this morning by WALKING the 2.6 miles to work! I've thought about it before, but I have to drive during the week because I go home for lunch, so that was out. Today is the first Saturday production of the summer, only 5 hours, so I fugured I'd lace up the sneaks and hoof it. Besides, I was bad and ate too much pizza last night so I have extra calories to work off ;0) It was a great morning to walk...good breeze going so I wasn't overly hot; going home may be another story. It should be upper 70's/lower 80's by 11...ugh. But at least I will have put in my 5 miles and be done with it before lunch...yay!

Happy Saturday to ya!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thank heaven its FRIDAY!

Those of us that are blessed with both male and female children will relate to the comic strip (one of my favs). So true, so true. And it's the same way when we grow up! The girls all get together and yak and giggle, while the boys hang out and fish/watch sports/play golf, ect :0)

It's Friday (finally! what a long week this has been...sheesh!), the beginning of a wonderful weekend, weather-wise. Supposed to be sunny and hot all weekend (hooray!!). I need to get the lawn mowed and plant the flowers I got last night - should be safe from frost by now, right? - and hopefully get my kitchen primered and ready for a new coat of paint. I need to hurry up with the paint job before I change my mind on the color....again ;0)

My MIL is trying to plan a family reunion for August for her side of the family. This is just too cool! The last time her side of the family had a get-together was YEARS ago when the kids were still little (I think the girls were 8 and 9-ish) and we were unable to go. So this will be a treat and I am very excited about it. Can't wait!

Well, you all have a fabulous weekend! Don't work so hard you don't get time to play; and if you haven't seen "Kung Fu Panda" need to. You're never too old for cartoons!!

See you Monday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Big" Bully

We have bunches of hummingbirds that arrive each spring and stay until Sept/Oct. They're sooo tiny and cute. They drive my cats NUTS :0) There is one little guy, who we've nicknamed Cujo, that hangs out on the grapevine outside the front door (where I have a hummingbird feeder hanging) from the butt-crack of dawn, leaving during the heat of the day to fly back up into the canyon where it's cooler, then returning to resume his post around 7 p.m. He perches on that vine to protect "his" feeder. The onery little booger will chase off any other hummingbird that comes to get a little sip out of that feeder. It's neat to watch them "duel" with their beaks while flying around the yard. Cujo has gotten used to us standing at the screen door watching doesn't seem to bother him too much. He will even swoop down and land on the grapevine or feeder while we are standing or sitting on the steps. I look forward to having him around all summer to entertain me. So do the cats ;0)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Celtics Win!! Celtics Win!!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood today, y'all. Last night the Boston Celtics won their 17th NBA Championship. The losing team?? The LA Lakers...yay!! And the Celts didn't just beat LA, they humiliated them, winning by 39 points. And after hearing the commentators say that Kobe Bryant was mouthing off to a fan in the front couple rows, telling him "Not tonight" (as in you're not beating us tonight), it was poetic justice to see them get whipped like that. So a big congrats to the boys in green there in Boston...thanks for a super NBA finals this year - one of the best ever - and enjoy your success!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Of Bees and Wal-Mart

I am here to tell you that I had the WEIRDEST weekend ever, bar none. Nothing went as I had hoped and the only bright spot was spending time with family on Father's Day; but even that had some sadness.

Friday the 13th was actually pretty okay. Steve took Christopher to his sister's house to stay the weekend, but he didn't get home until 9, so that pretty much shot a big hole in my plan for a surprise romantic dinner :0(

Saturday was truely strange. I don't know if it was a full moon or what the heck but it was way weird. Around 1 in the afternoon, I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth...the window was open to let air circulate, help cool the house...and I could hear this noise, kind of a low hum. All of a sudden my husband yells at me to close the window and come out to the kitchen. I close the window and walk out to see what the hub-bub was about. He calls me over to patio door and shows me a HUGE swarm of bees that is in the backyard. No kidding. It was like something I've seen on a nature program on the Science channel. There was tons of the little suckers flying around!!! After a few minutes they calmed down and landed on my son's peach tree in a big bee clump (that's the blob in the tree in the bottom picture) to, as we found out later, protect the queen who was in the middle. Now I don't mind bees; they won't bother you as long as you don't agitate them. I really didn't care that they were was kind of neat to watch them. But the tree is next to a footpath that runs between my house and the neighbors to the west of us to the next street back and over to a park. There are kids constantly running thru there; I didn't want one of them to stir the hive up and get stung. We waited about an hour or so to see if the bees would just leave, but they seemed to be happy campers in the peach tree so we decided to call someone. Who exactly do you call to get rid of bees? I tried the exterminators (not that I wanted to kill the little guys, just get rid of them), but given it was Saturday and Father's Day weekend no one answered. So I ended up calling the local honey company and their beekeeper agreed to come get them. The bees left before he got there however. All together the bee incident lasted about 3 or 4 hours. The beekeeper said it sounded like the original hive had split when a new queen matured, and she took a bunch of the hive with her to find a new home. They landed on the tree and rested while "scouts" went looking for a more suitable place for them to be; when the scouts found one, they left. Wild.

Yesterday I said that mean people suck. There are just people in life that get off on trying to intimidate others. It makes them feel like big shots; people like this are so miserable in their own pathetic lives that they have to stroke their egos by starting fights, picking on decent people and scaring them. These kind of people are bad enough, but when you get one or more of this type who are loaded up on crank, meth or whatever, then you really have trouble. For instance. After our bee issue, my husband and I went into Wal-Mart to get groceries. I've got my list out and we're strolling up and down the aisles, loading the cart. We're stopped on the cracker and cookie aisle and this chick walks by...she is super skinny (and disgustingly skanky..ick)and by super skinny I mean concentration camp survivor skinny, can see the bones of her spine skinny. After she goes around the end of the row, I told Steve she was just way too skinny. As I made this comment some squatty dude with a flat-top goes walking by and gives me a funny look. He goes around the end of the row and I thought nothing about it. Then I hear it. A female voice cussing up a storm, making comments about me and my comment. Oh...that must have been her boyfriend. Hmm. We continue to the next row and about 1/2 way down this broad comes around the other end and just starts yelling...obscenities flying, telling me I didn't know who I was messing with, why didn't I look at her and tell her to her face she was skinny (one look was more than enough, thanks)blah blah blah. She and her boyfriend go by us on the aisle, her cussing all the way, the boyfriend smirking and telling me keep your mouth shut you fat cow, yadda yadda. At this point it occured to my husband that the ruckus he was hearing was directed at his wife, not the gal up the row from us. Okay....confrontation over....let's finish our shopping and go home. 2 rows later I see the boyfriend go walking past the end of the row, stop look back at me, then whistle for his little skank. Here it comes, round two. This time she gets right in my face and cusses at me, telling me who I thought I was being such a crack smoking lard ass to say anything and that she knows what I said because her boyf had read my lips (he didn't have to read my lips, I made my comment OUT LOUD), ect get the idea I'm sure. I told her I didn't say anything bad, I just said I thought she was too thin. She yells at me that she has a high metabolism (yeah, whatever....helped out by meth!); during this little exchange, the boyf is throwing in his little barbs and Steve steps in to tell them to leave, and then the boyf is threatening him....delightful people, really...just lovely. They finally leave the row. I see a manager walking by so I call him over and we explain what happened; he tells us that he will call the cops and have them arrested if we'd like and if we'd like to have security escort us to the car they'd be happy to do so. We thanked him and went to check out. While in line we discussed the fact that 1) these people are wired up on some substance, and 2) they actually took the time to search the store for us to continue the arguement, and 3) it was obvious they were looking for trouble. We agreed it would be the best thing to have security take us to the car, since we had no idea if they were still there or would be watching the parking lot for us. After paying for the groceries, we went to the Customer Service desk, explained to the girl the situation and she called the security people up. I turned around while we waited for security and guess who was in the check-out stand right in front of CS?? Yep, the couple of the year. I told Steve, who told the CS girl and we pointed them out to her...the boyf saw us, grabbed his broad as soon as she was done paying and they took off out the other side of the building. I'm pretty sure that if I described these 2 knuckleheads to the cops, they'd know exactly who I was talking about. Something tells me that one or both of them have been arrested at least once before. Now that I've had time to think about it, I have arrived at the following conclusions: first, I think we handled the situation the best we could have...when you're dealing with people like this who are out of their minds, it's best to try to get out of it without any physical never know if they have a knife or a gun; second, I think these 2 were just looking for a fight and I happened to be the one who set them off. I think the guy was purposely trailing the girl, waiting for an opportunity to start trouble. I think if there had been a guy even look at her, crap would have hit the fan. It really didn't matter what the look or comment was or who made or gave it, they just wanted to cause problems for someone. Lastly, I amd a firm believer in karma and I know that they'll get theirs sooner or later. Then again, maybe they already unhappy they must be to behave that way, what a miserable life.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Like the bumper sticker says, "Mean people suck". High out of their mind mean people suck worse. Not a great weekend; I'll update later.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Helloooo Cabo!!!

Happy Friday to you!! I am in a great mood this morning for a number of reasons - our local summer art street fest is going on thru the weekend and is always fun to check out the arts and crafts and munch on the yummy nibbles, the Lakers LOST last night (woo hoo!!!), it's sunny and warm outside, and I have my hubby all to myself until Sunday as my son is going to stay with his sister and brother-in-law this weekend.

So Ruben, the bass guitarist in my hubby's band, went on a cruise a week or so ago (the Mrs is a travel agent) of their ports of call was Cabo San Lucas. He brought us back a bottle of Cabo Wabo tequila from Sammy Hagar's bar of the same name...kind of a "thanks" for a bunch of stuff Steve has done for him. My dearly beloved does not like's my fav. It's an "aquired taste", and I certainly aquired it working at the Ritz years ago, thanks to one of the bartenders. I actually bought a bottle of Cabo Wabo a couple years ago after hearing much about how good it was. It is excellent...different taste than Jose Cuervo or Patron. It's kind of spicy...goes great in a Bloody Mary instead of the vodka. I'm looking forward to having a Margarita with some chips and salsa tonight. Thanks Ruben!!! :0)

Ran the MC yesterday. It felt good to get up there and enjoy the scenery. Forgot to take a Claritin so I am suffering the wrath of hay eyes and nose are running something fierce. Ick.

Oh and Darla....I got "the phone call" last night. My step-daughter and son-in-law got in an accident...just hurt the car, not them. They were rear-ended. So now I know how it feels too ;0)

Be excellent to each other and have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Saturday is Flag Day. I hope you all will have Old Glory proudly on display in your yard. Here's to our country and to the people who serve her proudly, unselfishly, and most times without thanks to keep us free.

Who’s Got Your Back??

I am a small and precious child, my dad’s been sent to fight..
The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night.
He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track.
I may be sad, but I am proud. My daddy's got your back.

I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war...
My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before.
Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black.
I may be scared, but I am proud. My son has got your back.

I am a strong and loving wife, with a husband soon to go.
There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know.
I bite my lip, and force a smile as I watch my husband pack..
My heart may break, but I am proud. My husband's got your back.

I am a soldier, sailor, or an airman... serving proudly, standing tall.
I fight for freedom, yours and mine, by answering this call.
I do my job while knowing the thanks it sometimes lacks.
Say a prayer that I'll come home, It's me whose got your back.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

If I Only Had a Brain

Some days I feel an awful lot like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of brain. I'm fairly certain that I had one at some point in my life. I used to be able to remember where I put my grocery list, where my sunglasses are, whether I have Tide for laundry I just put in the I'm lucky if I remember what I had for breakfast! (lol) I think you lose your mind when you have kids. People I know that don't have any don't seem to have trouble remembering things..coincidence? The world may never know ;0)

Nasty blustery day out's COLD COLD COLD and raining. Weatherbug says it's supposed to be rainy and a chance of snow (hello!! it's JUNE!!) today. Ick. Somewhere in the US its actually summer....sigh.

Have a good one y'all!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Don't Mess with the Moose

Yesterday a friend of mine who is on the Search and Rescue team was listening to his police scanner while feeding his horses. There was a call for the ambulance to go up Logan Canyon and retrieve someone who had head, neck and back injuries, as well as some injuries to the extremities. The ambulance responded promptly; while on the drive up, they asked dispatch what had happened to cause such trama to the 39 year old female patient. Apparently while hiking in the woods she had run across a cow moose...with her calf. Not a good scene. The momma moose then proceeded to do the Texas 2-step up and down this poor woman until she was satisfied that there was no longer a threat to her offspring....nothing like mutiple broken bones, lacerations and a concussion to slow you down. Ouch. At least this lady got run over because she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, unlike the idiots who go to Yellowstone on vacation. Every year in Yellowstone there is at least one dumb tourist who thinks they can get a picture with (not of, with)a moose; every year at least one dumb tourist gets trampled on my a moose. The park rangers hand you those flyers at the entrance to the park that specifically tell you to leave the wildlife alone. I will never understand what part of that these folks just don't get. And it's hard to feel bad for them when they cross that invisible line and violate the moose's "territorial bubble". Ya mess with the moose, you get the horns. And a trip to the ER.

Ran into a road block on my run yesterday; they were digging up the road to lay in new water lines into a new commercial development so I had to improvise. It was nice to go someplace new...see some different scenery. The river was running pretty good and I stopped at the bridge to see if there was any rainbow trout, but I couldn't see any.

Taking the kidlet and one of his buddies Cosmic Bowling tonight while my hubby is practicing with his Black Sabbath tribute band ("Electric Funeral"). We haven't done that in quite a while so I am really looking forward to it. Need to get the whole fam together and go one of these weekends. Really need to get everyone together to go play paintball - woo hoo!!!! :0)

Happy Tuesday!! Make it a good day!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Boy, where did the weekend go?! It seems like it was Friday only yesterday. Despite my plans, Mother Nature rained out my trip to the Gardener's Market Saturday morning (the weatherman got it wrong...again!)and it continued to rain off and on all day, so no outdoor activities for me. Went shopping for Father's Day gifts for my DIL instead. Sunday however was GORGEOUS!!! Got up at 7 and put in 2 miles on the ol' treadmill, then decided that the blue sky and sun was just too good to pass up. I laced up the sneaks and hit the MC (no rattlesnakes, Darla! although at one point I swore I heard one but it turned out to be Steven Tyler shakin his tamborine on my iPod -lol!). And as if that wasn't enough exercise for the morning, I mowed the lawn and pulled weeds! All before noon! Wish I was that energetic every day.

Since it is (supposed to be) summer and BBQ season, here's a little recepie that I've made before and it really easy and VERY good...enjoy!

Chipotle-Lime Grilled Chicken

1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 1/2 tablespoons chipotle Tabasco
3/4 teaspoon salt
6 large skinless boneless chicken thighs (2 1/2 lb total)
2 teaspoons mild honey

Prepare grill for cooking over direct heat with medium-hot charcoal (moderate heat for gas).

While coals are lighting, stir together lime juice, oil, Tabasco, and salt in a liquid-measuring cup. Put chicken in a large sealable bag and add 1/3 cup marinade (reserve remainder in cup). Seal bag, forcing out excess air, and marinate chicken at room temperature, about 15 minutes. Stir honey into remaining marinade until dissolved to make sauce.

Grill chicken (discarding marinade in bag) on lightly oiled grill rack, covered only if using a gas grill, turning chicken over occasionally and moving it to avoid flare-ups if necessary, until just cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes total.

Brush both sides of chicken with some of reserved sauce, then continue to grill, turning over once, until lightly browned, about 1 minute more. Serve chicken drizzled with remaining sauce.

If you aren't able to grill outdoors, chicken can be cooked in batches in a hot, lightly oiled, well-seasoned large (2-burner) ridged grill pan over moderate heat, about 15 minutes (before brushing with sauce).

Makes 6 servings.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally Friday

"I don't care if Monday's blue,
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too;
Thursday I don't care about you,
It's Friday - I'm in love.

Monday you can fall apart,
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart;
Thursday doesn't even start,
It's Friday - I'm in love."
~The Cure

I love Fridays. Today especially I'm feelin the love....even though I'm still at work :0) I am in love with my husband (hubba hubba!)....I love my friends and family....I love life in general. It certainly beats the alternative (ha ha).

Do something good this weekend...commit a random act of kindness for someone you may or may not know; donate your time to a soup kitchen or animal shelter; tell a military person "thanks for your service"; pay for the drink of the person behind you at the convenience store. Or just give someone a big smile...they may need it more than you know.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Been raining every day this week so far. If it keeps up, I may have to kayak to work. I'm wondering if we need to start gathering the animals 2 by 2....(lol).

Because it's cold and raining, there are no longer lust-filled snakes on my normal exercise route. But because it's cold and raining I can't use it anyway...MUD :0( I have still managed to log at least 5 miles daily on my treadmill. My muffin-top is rapidly decreasing - yay!!

The hubby is almost finished recording the 4th band in his studio. These guys are heavily influenced by Pantera....they have the same in-your-face style. They're also very tight and have gotten everything but the vocals finished in 4 sessions over the last 2 weeks. I am really anxious to hear the finished product.

Not sure what the forecast is for this weekend. If it's going to be nice weather I think I will pack up the kiddo and head to the lake for a day. Haven't been there for a while...didn't get there at all last year, so I plan to correct that.

Make it a great day y'all!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Hills are Alive With the Sound of....Rattlesnakes?

Wow. Wow wow wow. Apparently it's mating season for the rattlers. Pair that with the warm daytime temps and you have....alot of rattlesnakes....everywhere. This new developement has brought my normal outside walk/run routine to a screeching HALT. It's way too dangerous to venture up the mountain and thru the fields. Not that I am afraid of snakes; I'm not...I think they're cool as heck and have been known to pick up a few harmless snakes (blue racers, water snakes) to play with here and there, much to the chagrin and consternation of my hubby. But I have a healthy respect for anything that can do me serious harm (or worse!) with one bite. I've been up close and personal to a rattler's not pretty. And although I pay close attention to where I'm walking, if I somehow missed spotting a sunning snake, I couldn't hear the rattle due to the iPod I wear...and I can't run without it. So I guess back to the treadmill for a while :0( Boo. So if any of you are thinking about traipsing around the great outdoors, be sure to keep a good lookout for snakes in love.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Keep Moo-ving!

It's Monday again. It's hard to get back in the work week routine. More so now that the kidlet is out of school. I really have to fight the urge to skip work and stay home!

Weekend was great...awesome awesome weather. Too hot to cook inside so I ended up grilling both Saturday night and Sunday. I need to find more recepies for no-cooking dinners...and KFC only go so far ;0) Me, I could live on sandwiches (either tuna or pb&j), salads, chips & salsa and cereal, but the hubby and son need a bit more to eat than that.

Slacked a little on the exercise over the weekend but I'm back on the right track. I need to invest a few hard-earned dollars in a new pair of running shoes, as mine still have some miles left in them but not many.

Hoping to get out on a long hike this coming weekend. Taking the camera. Maybe see some "wildlife". Maybe an overnight camp?? We'll see how ambitious I feel Friday after work.

Have a good one!!!