Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally Friday

"I don't care if Monday's blue,
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too;
Thursday I don't care about you,
It's Friday - I'm in love.

Monday you can fall apart,
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart;
Thursday doesn't even start,
It's Friday - I'm in love."
~The Cure

I love Fridays. Today especially I'm feelin the love....even though I'm still at work :0) I am in love with my husband (hubba hubba!)....I love my friends and family....I love life in general. It certainly beats the alternative (ha ha).

Do something good this weekend...commit a random act of kindness for someone you may or may not know; donate your time to a soup kitchen or animal shelter; tell a military person "thanks for your service"; pay for the drink of the person behind you at the convenience store. Or just give someone a big smile...they may need it more than you know.

Have a great weekend!!!


crazydarla said...

Awwww such sweet sentiments! I usually love Friday too but this week was a bomb! Weekend stunk all the way around - pooey!
Talk to ya soon!

crazydarla said...

Awwww such sweet sentiments! I usually love Friday too but this week was a bomb! Weekend stunk all the way around - pooey!
Talk to ya soon!