Friday, October 17, 2008

I Love You, Mr Bubble!

Tough day at work. I know that lots of people have jobs where they have co-workers to pick up the slack if you take a day off. I do not have that luxury ((sigh)). I am my's just little ol' me to run the day to day stuff...the filing, the reports, the data entry and orders. My stuff just piles up until I return. After just 1 day, the top of my desk is buried under a rediculously large mound of papers...I think if I stacked it on the floor I could jump into it like a pile of leaves. At the moment I'm thinking if I get any more paperwork brought to me the tempation to throw it all in the garbage can, grab a Bic from one of the guys and toast marshmallows would just be too great. It's a good thing I need to run to the store after work...I'm out of Mr Bubble (gasp!!) Mr Bubble is my buddy...we spend lots of time together in the evenings...especially durning the winter. Long baths with Mr Bubble and a good book or some tunes helps preserve my sanity. They used to make a lavender-scented Bedtime Mr Bubble before the whole world became crazed with all things kicked butt for winding down after a long day. Sadly they discontinued it. But I can manage without the fancy lavender smell. I am anxiously counting the minutes until I can grab my book, fill the tub and spend some good quality time with the guy I've loved since childhood...Mr Bubble.

1 comment:

crazydarla said...

Ahhhh Kim, I think the younger generation (lolol! did I REALLY say that??) have lost the art of a good soak in the tubby! SERIOUS! Now, when I was growing up we did not have a shower in the house! Nope, no shower. Just a bathtub. Long, hot tubs were the thing at our home. To this day both my sisters and I LOVE LOVE LOVE to sit and soak in the bath - I think that all three of us MOSTLY take baths, not showers. A goot shower is nice sometimes but nothing NOTHING beats a long tubby.. ahhh! And Mr Bubbles? No, I don't do that, but the scent of the old pink Avon bubblebath brings back a flood of memories for all of us girls!
Love me a good tubby! :O) Great post Kim!
