Happy Tuesday to you!
And what a day it is too…the swearing in of a new President, the departure of the former Commander in Chief and the beginning of a new chapter in the history of our great country.…who knows what wonderful things (and unfortunately, what terrible things) lay ahead for us as a nation. Now anyone who knows me knows where I stand politically, so I will just leave my thoughts about our new President to rattle around in my little pea brain. BUT. I will state the following: I am sick to death of hearing about how he is the first black President (wait a minute…I thought Bill Clinton was our first black Prez? Those of you who remember the comment made by author Toni Morrison will understand.) So he’s black….so what? I’m serious! The color of his skin is the LAST thing we as a nation should care about! What about his achievements? What about his CHARACTER. Character is so much more important to being the leader of the free world than what color his skin is. I don’t care if he’s 3 foot tall and green and pink polka dotted as long as he is a person of good moral character. Wouldn’t you rather be defined as a person by your accomplishments and your character than, say your blonde hair? I would be so upset if people categorized me by what color my skin is or my hair or eyes are instead of, or before, the things I stand for and what I have achieved in my life through hard work and what kind of person I am. Can’t we get over the whole race thing….PLEASE? Especially you yuppers out there in the stinking media….yeesh….let it go already. Okay, I’m getting off my soapbox now.
Still waiting (hint!!!!) to see pics of the new grandbabies 2 of my dear friends welcomed into their families last week….the suspense is killing me! I bet they are each just cuter than a bugs ear :0)
My son in law finished mudding, taping and texturing our basement over the weekend. He graciously volunteered his time and talents…so who are we to argue? He knows what he’s doing :0) We made him a deal, though…an Xbox for his work. And let me tell you what, y’all…he whipped that basement into shape in short order!!! He arrived around 5:30 Friday afternoon, got right down to business, and by 2-ish Sunday afternoon it was DONE. It looks great! All we have to do now is prime and paint the walls…picking a color should be interesting….I’m sure I will change my mind a million times before we settle on one (ha ha ha). It would have taken us months to finish it on our own – would not have looked even close to as good as James’ work! So a big big HUGE thank you to James!!! While James was slinging joint compound, Chany got to spend time with her dad and brother (which I know they value just so much) and with me as well. And we all got to spend quality time with Benny the Pug (LOL). Always a pleasure to have Chan and James come for a stay….it’s never long enough though.
Hope your weekend was good, that you are all happy and feeling good. Have a great day and I’ll chat with you again soon.
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