I’m tired of living in Seattle!!!! Enough with the rain already!!!!! Holy. Cannolli. It has RAINED every stinkin’ day for 3 weeks!! Well, almost every day… I think there may have been 3 days in that period that we didn’t get rained on. If it doesn’t stop soon I may fling myself off a bridge ((sigh)) Honestly, y’all…I don’t know HOW people can live in places where it rains a lot. I caught a serious case of the blues from all the gloom outside. Boo-koo bummed out. Weepy, droopy, sad. Dragging my sorry self to work when all I really wanted to do was crawl in bed and stay there. I finally went tanning Friday and that seemed to snap me out of it….fake sun is better than no sun, right?
For those of you who have kids or are still a kid at heart (like moi), you have GOT to go see “Up”. I went with the hubby Saturday night and laughed until my sides hurt. I think it will be way more humorous for those of you who have or have had dogs….if you haven’t had the pleasure, the dog humor won’t be nearly as funny (i.e. “the cone of shame”). But the interaction between the old guy and the kid was funny by itself (snipe hunt anyone??) Most certainly worth $8 and an hour and a half of your time.
We’ve made plans to take a trip south, to Moab, Lake Powell, Kanab and the Grand Canyon. Originally Steve suggested it coincide with our anniversary in July. After some discussion (while the heat doesn’t bother me much, I know that Steve and Chris would NOT enjoy themselves in the 100+ degree weather that is the norm in those parts at the end of July) we decided on going in September. I am super excited to see the GC, since I didn’t get to on my trip in March. And of course, while we’re in the area, I will be spending some time volunteering out at Dog Town. YAY!!!! I am so happy to be returning to the sanctuary and to be able to show my family Dog Town and the rest of Angel Canyon. I enjoyed my stay in Kanab so much the first time with my friend, Laura, it will be extra special to share time there with my fam :0)
Have a great day!!!
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