Warning! Do not attempt to watch the movie “Julie & Julia” on an empty stomach!!! You’ll be sorry….trust me. Even after scarfing down lunch right before catching a matinee yesterday with my DF Rose and one of her daughters, I was still salivating like a Rotteweiler eyeballing burgers on the picnic table in front of him.
Oh dear people, believe me when I tell you that it is unfathomable that anyone could sit through that movie without feeling even a small pang of hunger. If the Strawberry Bavarian Cream or the soufflé (never made one, never had one but darn if it didn’t look scrumptious!) doesn’t get your mouth watering, the much talked about Boeuf Bourguignon (which I am soooo making!) should incite twinges and even rumbling in your belly. It all looked so very yummy. And I feel I should caution you about the butter these recipes use in the film…a veritable ‘butterpalooza’…so brace yourself. It’s not for the faint of heart. Julia Child was apparently a firm believer in there being no such thing as too much butter, as evidenced in her cooking…copious amounts of butter in EVERYTHING! Maybe it is just a French cuisine thing that rubbed off on her? Although I have to say I would rather cook with real butter than with the spreads, margarines and certainly Crisco. Food made with butter is just so much tastier. So now that I’m done talking about the food part of the movie, I will tell you my opinion of the movie as a whole. Enjoyed the heck out of it. What a wonderful storyline! I learned so much about Julia Child the person….she was adventurous, funny, determined and very engaging. I had no idea that she was married, let alone to a government employee assigned to different embassies around the world (which is how she ended up living in Paris and attending the famous Cordon Bleu culinary school). The thought that Julie Powell actually cooked every single recipe in “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” (volume 1) left me in awe, grateful to have the chance to peek into the madness that was her life for the year she tackled the Julie & Julia Project. How she worked full time and still found (or made) time to whip up from scratch the over 500 different recipes in the book is beyond me. Makes me exhausted just thinking about it. Besides, I would have had to stop at the Lobster Thermadore. No lobster killing for me, Jack. Uh-uh. No way. Sorry, Julie; sorry Julia. I doff my topper to you gals….
On another subject, I noticed this morning that the large locust tree growing outside the door to the office has dropped quite a few leaves and many on the tree are turning. Does this alarm anyone besides me??? It’s not even September yet! ((((sigh))))
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