I'm back already! Suprised, aren't you? ;0)
I found out something today that leaves me feeling...unsettled? Nervous? Creeped out? I'll go for 'all of the above' for $400, Bob. While on my usual morning rounds at work, I found myself in converstaion in one of the offices about hunting. Because right now the mountains are filled to the brim with folks in camoflauge sitting in tree stands for hours on end waiting for some poor unsuspecting deer to wander by so they can shoot it with an arrow, gut it, quarter it, and eventually wrap it up in multiple packages of white paper or tin foil in their respective freezers. Don't misunderstand me - I am NOT against hunting...no way, Jose. I have no problem with people hunting. Zip. Zero. If you don't hunt a species it will overpopulate and then where will we be? Knee-deep in critters, that's where! I'm just saying that I could never do it. Ever. In a million years. I would have starved to death as a pioneer. Or been a vegetarian. But I digress...so in the course of our hunting conversation the subject of mountain lions was brought up. One of my co-workers brothers had a 'run-in' while hunting a few weeks back. So we were chatting about this mountain lion tale (no pun intended, I swear) and a few other ones, when someone casually mentioned that there was a cow attacked by a mountain lion at the feedlot (just a mile-ish) down the road from our facility last Friday. Um...what?? Yes, a mountain lion. Roamed through my town. Near where I work. Not far from where I live. Now I know that they are out 'there' but 'there' is supposed to be UP THERE...in the MOUNTAINS (which are maybe 1/2 to 3/4 mile from my house). They're called MOUNTAIN LIONS cuz the LIVE IN THE MOUNTAINS!!! If they lived in town they'd be called 'town lions'! Jeeez Louise!!! So now that I have that wonderful little tidbit of info nestled in my brain, it gives me pause...when I leave for work, it's dark...sun is not up yet (but I am...what's wrong with that picture?); do I need to worry about having one rove through my neighborhood looking for a chihuahua or 3 to tide him over 'til breakfast? I certainly don't want to become mountain lion kibbles and bits! They said that they think it's in the cornfields west of town. They think...not a comforting phrase. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is either found and 'relocated' or that he just moves on back up into the hills. Whichever. Just go away, kitty.
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