I did it I did it I did it!!!!! I rode the Sky Coaster (nicknamed the “Superman Swing” by me because that’s what you look like flying by with your arms out like that...Superman) at Lagoon!!! I have to tell you that doing that was probably the most awesome thing I have
ever done for fun,
bar none. Better than drag racing even (yes, I will admit to doing some dragging in my misspent youth). It was the biggest rush…I can’t wait to do it again next year! My son-in-law James ended up going with me, which is good because he pulled the “rip cord”…I think if I had gone by myself I would still be hanging there! I don’t think I could have pulled it. Maybe I could have…who knows. So we are standing in line after getting our little harnasses on (they look like aprons! and they were a little heavy… I felt like I should be getting x-rays at the dentist), waiting our turn to go, and my mouth goes dryer than the Sahara…totally dry. The gum I had been chewing I had spit out right before getting into the gear so it didn’t accidentally become a projectile while flying thru the air. I couldn’t have mustered up one tiny drop of spit if my life depended on it! Then the heart rate goes up a bit, not much….I was way more nervous last year going on Wicked for the first time…..and that was about as panicked as I got. About half way up to the top of the static line I told James that I was thinking that this sounded like a much better idea on the ground. But it wasn’t bad riding up to the top….nice views ;0) Then we stop. And we hang there. Face-down in our harnesses. Suspended by steel cables 150 feet above the ground. The ride people count down from 3…2….1…..we sit there for a moment longer and then I feel James move to pull the cord…go time!! I don’t remember if I screamed while we were free-falling. I don’t remember what I was looking at as we fell. I do remember feeling the harness “catch me” at the bottom of the fall and looking at the little platform you stand on while they hook you to the static lines. I remember finding the faces of my hubby, daughter and a friend as we flew past the ride entrance and I was yelling “woo hoo” and giving them the thumbs up sign. My husband told me after I was back on terra firma that I had the biggest smile on my face, so he knew I was loving every nanosecond :0) Which I totally was! Once we got back o the ground, I was expecting my legs to be a bit shaky but they were functioning normally – yay! – so I didn’t look like a dork walking out. If you have the chance to do this, I highly recommend it…the rush is like nothing else you’ve experienced. I figure if I can handle this, that my dream of jumping out of a plane will be easier than I thought. Maybe in a couple years I can talk James into skydiving with me……
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