Happy Friday to ya!
So here is a short synopsis of the concert:
Left home around 1:45, got to SLC a bit early so we could have lunch before we headed out to the ampitheater (we ate at Thaifoon at the Gateway - excellent food!), enjoying our last minutes in an serene, air conditioned environment :0) The line to enter the ampitheater was a mile long - literally - but moved quickly so we really weren't waiting outside the venue very long...missed the opening band, Trapt, however. Got to hear them, but not watch their show (the tix said the gates opened at 4, the show started at 5, but it was around 4:30 when Trapt fired up). Sixx AM was the second act...for those who don't know, Sixx AM is Nikki Sixx's side project, who got together and wrote the "soundtrack" to his book, "The Heroin Diaries". They put on a good show - the crowd went NUTS when Nikki came out and the singer worked the crowd well. As a special treat, Nikki's teenage son, Dekker, came out and played a tune with the band. (I guess if Eddie and Wolf can do it, why not, right?) Next came Papa Roach. I'm not real familiar with their stuff, but do know a few tunes...they were very good...those kids had more energy than they knew what to do with for sure :0) At one point the singer came out and wandered around the ampitheater while singing one of the songs (I don't remember which one), which was cool. He stopped in the section next to us and climbed up on the seats so everyone could see him. Of course he also had about 4 monster security guards with him. It was in the break after Papa Roach that my BF Aundria and I met DJ Ashba. Super guy, really can't stress enough how sweet he was. And he walked around without any security...just hung out like everyone else. Then came Buck Cherry....wow. Fantastic job by that band. The singer got a little crude with some comments before he started the song "Crazy B**ch", which I was not exactly thrilled with....I was a bit offended, but you know we have that whole ammendment thing that gives us freedom of speech in our country. Aside from that they were real good...they played "Sorry" which is my fav. besides "Lit Up" (which they also played). And at last...the band all us "old" hairband-lovin', stuck-in-the-80's big hair, spandex and miniskirt wearing people had been waiting for - CRUE. Now, let me say that I don't get offended easily (despite the Buck Cherry incident earlier) and I knew going in that Crue are know for pushing the envelope at their shows. BUT. Nothing could have prepared me for the sights they had playing on the screens flanking the stage...it was clips from porn movies! And I am not even kidding...it really was. I about died. At first, I was thinking "did I really just see what I thought I saw?!" and then the image flashed by again - yep, I guess I did really see that. OMG. So I tried not to look at the screens unless they were showing the band. That said, the music was awesome! Vince struggled with the singing here and there, but Mick Mars ROCKED, as did Nikki and Tommy. They played for about an hour and a half or so, but could have easily played all 6 hours of the show! I danced all 6 hours, yelled myself horse and had a fabulous time...my quads have finally recovered, my feet almost there, but I would happily suffer through another show tonight!!!
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