Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Checking in

All that stuff I said previously about being a good blogger and posting more often? I think it was a figment of our collective imaginations ((sigh)) I mean well. Really. I honestly said to myself, 'self, we have to get it in gear and hop back on the bloggin' wagon!' I did...I was there when I said it. Unfortunatly, life dictated otherwise. I think it will help that A) my wireless connection problems have happily been resolved, and 2) the computer has been moved back to its original location in my house.

A new year, a new phase in life. I hope everything is going well for you all. So far 2010 has been good to my family. Some exciting things to look forward to this year - our first NASCAR race; the college graduation of our oldest daughter; returning to Dog Town - once with my oldest and again with my wonderful friend, Laura; AND...are ya ready for this one??? I'm so excited about this I've had to try hard not to start packing!!!....I'm going on a cruise this fall with my BF Aun to the BAHAMAS!!!!! Can I get a 'heck yeah!' out there?? WOO HOO!!!! :0D