Friday, January 30, 2009

Finally Friday

It’s Friday…let’s party!!!!

Glad it’s Friday; looking forward to the weekend. My FIL is coming tomorrow to hang out - catch a movie, go out for dinner, probably spend some time in Borders since he’s a big bookworm like myself. On Superbowl Sunday we are heading over to Bryce and Jen’s for the big game, along with a bunch of other friends. Good food, good friends, and hopefully a good game…with the Cardinals winning :0) It’s not that I don’t like Pittsburgh, it’s just that I really like Kurt Warner and am sick to death of seeing the Steelers. (I think they were on tv this season more than they weren’t…ick.) Going to make a big batch of Pioneer Woman’s “Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Thingies” to share (if they make it out the door…just the thought of them makes me salivate...they're soooo dang good!) and some Buffalo Wing Bites. I’m sure that I’ll be running bookoo mileage next week as penance for my indulgence :0)

Gotta give a big “atta girl!!!!” to my wonderful friend, Darla, who has worked her way back up to running 2 miles straight. I knew you could do it! So happy for you, girlfriend…I know how bad you wanted to get back to that goal. Woo hoo!!!

Everyone have a great good to yourselves, have some fun, try something new!.....and GO CARDS!!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hi there!!!

Thursday already…woo hoo! Y’all feelin’ like kicking some butt today?! Good! Me too! I’m a bit feisty and giddy this morning (an odd combination in my eyes, but what the heck…I’ll run with it) causing me to feel somewhat on the “30 feet tall and bulletproof” side today. Sort of a “Wonder Woman” day. I just need to make sure not to trip on my cape ;0) That would totally ruin my whole harmonious vibe! (LOL)

Oh, just a note on my Wordless Wed. pic yesterday….while that picture is originally of the famous “Dogs Playing Poker” painting, the one I posted is modified to include 2 of Chany and James’ dogs…the black lab and the pug in the visor are theirs. My DH Photoshopped them in after hearing about Benny the Pug hanging out at the poker table all night when Chany and James had a bunch of friends over for a poker night. We were joking that they should have pulled up a chair and dealt Benny in; so in a flash of brilliance, hubby came up with the idea of putting their dogs into the picture for a joke. I think it turned out pretty good, myself. DH is still looking for a good pic of a fat ol’ stogie to stick in Benny’s mouth as the one he has there now looks too small and skinny. If ya have a tough, poker-playing Pug, he needs a big old cigar to puff on. Right?

Class is going okay. I can tell this is NOT my cup of tea, however. I am finding some small measure of comfort knowing that I was never a junkie in a previous life; if I had been this experience would be WAY easier (lol). While I don’t completely suck, I am frustrated at the level of relative ease and confidence that my classmates are able to perform their venipunctures with. They all seem to be “wham, bam” and they’re done. Me, my confidence level is….well, lower than a snake’s belly, frankly. I know I can do it, and I have; last night I got 4 vials out of the hardest person in class to draw on…no one else has been able to do it thus far, so that’s a nice little confidence boost. But it really shakes my tree when I screw up and let the needle come too far back ruin my stick. I am not able to perform my draws as efficiently and quickly as everyone else, which bothers me as well. While I am relatively sure that everyone in my class does not have a rig at home to practice their draws, I have to wonder why it appears so much easier for them than for me. I tend to beat myself up a lot for not doing things well right off the bat (which my instructor has pointed out to me, which is not news to me…my tae kwon do instructor told me the same thing several years ago). I just stress out too much about messing up (((sigh))) I need to quit kicking my own butt about this....I know I’ll get better at it. I wish I could practice more than just in lab during class…I have an idea about doing that without the actual needle and draw tubes…give it a go and see what happens. I’m going to tough it out, finish the course, pass my state boards and get my nationals as well. Then on to bigger and better things.

Finalizing plans for a little adventure in the spring with my good friend Laura. I am beyond jacked up for this!!!! Can not wait!!!! This will be the first time I’ve taken a vacation in…maybe 8 years?! It’s about dang time, don’t ya think? :oD No boys allowed on our trip, either. This will be a week-long “girl’s night out”. Doing some volunteer work, seeing some sights (hel-lo Grand Canyon..woo hoo!!), hanging out. It will be a much needed break for us both. Good for both body and soul. So excited! Can’t wait! Did I mention that already?? :0)

Well that’s it for me. You guys have a wonderful day today! Carpe diem!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009


FOR TODAY, January 26
Outside my window night has fallen, the sky is clear and the air is crisp.
I am thinking that I need to go to bed soon :0)
I am thankful for the return of sweet, fresh air - ahhhhh.
From the kitchen the smell of freshly popped Orville and the sounds of my son and hubby playing "Munchkin"
I am wearing my shorts, tank top and running shoes.
I am creating a list of books I want to read.
I am going to make time to cook a special dinner for my family.
I am reading "Dead as a Doornail" by Charlaine Harris
I am hoping that the weather will be good for my dad-in-law to visit this weekend.
I am hearing the soft hum of my computer.
Around the house it is peaceful.
One of my favorite things is the way my husband winks at me across the room.
A few plans for the rest of the week: finish up the primer in the basement, pick a paint color and start painting!
Here is picture thought I am sharing...deer tracks in the snowy field across the road.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Happy Tuesday to you!

And what a day it is too…the swearing in of a new President, the departure of the former Commander in Chief and the beginning of a new chapter in the history of our great country.…who knows what wonderful things (and unfortunately, what terrible things) lay ahead for us as a nation. Now anyone who knows me knows where I stand politically, so I will just leave my thoughts about our new President to rattle around in my little pea brain. BUT. I will state the following: I am sick to death of hearing about how he is the first black President (wait a minute…I thought Bill Clinton was our first black Prez? Those of you who remember the comment made by author Toni Morrison will understand.) So he’s black….so what? I’m serious! The color of his skin is the LAST thing we as a nation should care about! What about his achievements? What about his CHARACTER. Character is so much more important to being the leader of the free world than what color his skin is. I don’t care if he’s 3 foot tall and green and pink polka dotted as long as he is a person of good moral character. Wouldn’t you rather be defined as a person by your accomplishments and your character than, say your blonde hair? I would be so upset if people categorized me by what color my skin is or my hair or eyes are instead of, or before, the things I stand for and what I have achieved in my life through hard work and what kind of person I am. Can’t we get over the whole race thing….PLEASE? Especially you yuppers out there in the stinking media….yeesh….let it go already. Okay, I’m getting off my soapbox now.

Still waiting (hint!!!!) to see pics of the new grandbabies 2 of my dear friends welcomed into their families last week….the suspense is killing me! I bet they are each just cuter than a bugs ear :0)

My son in law finished mudding, taping and texturing our basement over the weekend. He graciously volunteered his time and talents…so who are we to argue? He knows what he’s doing :0) We made him a deal, though…an Xbox for his work. And let me tell you what, y’all…he whipped that basement into shape in short order!!! He arrived around 5:30 Friday afternoon, got right down to business, and by 2-ish Sunday afternoon it was DONE. It looks great! All we have to do now is prime and paint the walls…picking a color should be interesting….I’m sure I will change my mind a million times before we settle on one (ha ha ha). It would have taken us months to finish it on our own – would not have looked even close to as good as James’ work! So a big big HUGE thank you to James!!! While James was slinging joint compound, Chany got to spend time with her dad and brother (which I know they value just so much) and with me as well. And we all got to spend quality time with Benny the Pug (LOL). Always a pleasure to have Chan and James come for a stay….it’s never long enough though.

Hope your weekend was good, that you are all happy and feeling good. Have a great day and I’ll chat with you again soon.

Monday, January 19, 2009


FOR TODAY January 19, 2009...
Outside my’s twilight, the sun just peeking over the tip-tops of the mountains
I am thinking...about homework and studying, paint colors, taking the dog to the vet
I am thankful son-in-law volunteering his time and skills to finish mudding and texturing our basement
From the kitchen...the smell of a big ol’ pot of fresh brewed coffee (aaaahhh)
I am Snoopy pajamas
I am creating...the dinner menu for the rest of the week
I am work instead of playing hookey today with my son who is out of school for MLK Day
I am reading...”Dead to the World” (Sookie Stackhouse series book 4)
I am be more confident in lab this week
I am hearing...the news on the television, the coffee pot making coffee
Around the house...all is quiet, as I am the only one up
One of my favorite my cat Daisy snuggling with me on the couch
A few plans for the rest of the week: prime and paint the basement!! YAY!!!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing: sunset in the valley...gorgeous!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Big Poke

Boy, they sure don’t waste time in phlebotomy lab. Last night was our second night of phlebotomy class. You’d think that a couple weeks in you would begin to actually stick people (each other!) and draw blood samples, wouldn’t you. Oh heck no! Let’s just jump on in there on night 2…break out the tourniquets and draw tubes, we can party on down! Do the words “nerve” and “wracking” mean anything to you?? Wow….I think that will be the worst lab, as far as everyone being nervous, because it was the first time. Should be easy-cheesey from now on. Right? I did it though!!! I drew twice, didn’t miss the vein either time. The first stick was soooo tough!!! Here you are, standing with your gloves on and needle in hand looking at the other person’s arm and thinking all kinds of things – I don’t want to hurt this person, what if I miss the vein, I have to really stick this needle in someone’s arm! Ect, ect – and you know you HAVE to stick them…sooo you kind of take a deep breath and just do it. Poke. Bleed bleed bleed. Release tourniquet, remove tube, grab the gauze, needle out of arm, gauze on….and I DID IT! What a rush of…relief…that it’s done…..of…adrenelin…because I did it. And did it……right :O) We will also learn to do the finger sticks….ick…..I hate those. They hurt. More.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Friends and Babies

Sorry it’s been so long since I have checked in ….busy…you know how it is. I started class last week, which is going to be interesting. This week will be our first “stick” so I am a bit anxious about that (sigh) but I will have to just focus on being “professional”, since that is what I am there to learn how to do. I know I can do this; I’m a tad concerned about being the “stick-ee” however…it makes my arms hurt to think about it….all I ask of my fellow students is to be gentle with me…I am not a pincushion.

Last Friday I took my DF Rose out to dinner for her birthday. She is such a special person and I am so blessed to count her among my friends. We munched on CafĂ© Sabor’s outstanding food….when we weren’t busy gabbing :0) 2 ½ hours just flew right by, which is par for the course when we get together. Among the topics of conversation was the impending birth of her newest grandchild. Said grandkid was over his due date, so everyone was hopehopehoping for a phone call any second to say that he was on his way. Unfortunately that call did not come during dinner. Or Saturday. Or Sunday. I am pleased to report, though, that Nicole gave birth to her beautiful son yesterday afternoon. Rose told me last night that everything went well, that baby is doing wonderful and the proud parents are absolutely on cloud 9. So congratulations to Nicole and Cade!!! I am thrilled for you :0) Wishing you much love and happiness as you embark on this new chapter in your life.

It seems to be a good week for babies. Another DF of mine, Susie, is impatiently awaiting the arrival of her grandchild (think of your kids in the backseat during a long car trip repeating “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” and that’s about how anxious Susie is - LOL). Daughter Kendra is scheduled to be induced this Saturday if nature continues to drag its feet. At this point, I don’t know who is more anxious to have the baby come – Suz or Kendra! I am very happy for both Susie, who will be the cutest little grandma, and Kendra & Jordan. Keeping my fingers crossed that delivery goes well for mamma and baby. I have discovered in the last few days that Susie is going to be moving in the near future…she and her hubby are buying her grandparents house in the same small town that my MIL’s sister and hubby live in….Dub and Kathy have lived in this area forever, raising their children on the family ranch; their son Jerry still lives there. Apparently Suz’s whole family are from there! Small world, huh?

Missed my Daybook entry yesterday but I just could not get time to post it.

Hope you are all enjoying your week. Have a wonderful day!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I know it says "wordless" but I need to explain....I've seen other folks do similar things on their blogs and figured "why not". Most of the pics I will post will be ones I have taken - like this one I took at Fall Creek in September...gorgeous colors up there this past fall. If I post one that's not mine I'll tell ya. Enjoy your day everyone!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Work

I amazed myself by managing to actually be AWAKE at midnight on New Year's Eve...yay! Okay so I took a short snooze while watching season 3 of "Northern Exposure". Just a small siesta to get me by :0)

Last week the IT dept at HQ took down our 'net and email in order to resume them onsite...we were without both internet and email from Wednesday at 4 until sometime in the wee hours this morning. Ugh. Being without one or the other is bummer enough, but working all day Friday without even being able to chat on email with co-workers made for a super long workday.

Since it is Monday - the "official" day to post the Daybook entries, here is mine. Have a good day and keep warm!!!

For today, January 5, 2009...
Outside my window…it’s snowing big fluffy snowflakes
I am thinking...about what groceries I need from town when I go later, taking Rose out for her birthday this week, that my abs hurt from ball crunches this morning.
I am thankful for...the opportunity to further my education
From the roast beef sandwiches made with leftover roast from Sunday dinner
I am standard work attire…big hoodie, long-sleeved shirt underneath, jeans and my Docs
I am creating...a big pile of Kleenex in my trashcan :0(
I am town this afternoon to pick up my textbooks for class
I am reading... ”The Looking Glass Wars”
I am hoping...for some time to sit and watch the snow quietly falling
I am hearing... ”Ave Maria” from Charlotte Church on my computer, people talking in the office
Around the house...things are back to normal and Christmas stuff is put away
One of my favorite things...the smell of rain
A few plans for the rest of the week: cleaning out the closets and making a run to the DI with the things we no longer need/use, trying a new recipe for ricotta pancakes, monkeying with my camera, maybe sale-shopping at Gateway???
Here is a picture thought I am sharing: (not sure why I can't get my picture to show up here where I want it) It has been very quiet at my house the last few weeks without band practice!