Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ, Farrah and the Media

You know, I’ve about had it with all the coverage of Michael Jackson passing away. And it hasn’t even been 24 hours. I was tired of hearing about it after about 30 minutes. It was everywhere! I understand the relevance and importance of how his talent affected our culture…I totally get it. Trust me. I was a ‘80’s child - his impact on my generation was HUGE. Giant. Iconic. (I still love “Dirty Diana” and “Billie Jean”) But once he started with the plastic surgeries, got really weird, and then was accused of molesting kids, I just couldn’t enjoy his work anymore. The freakshow that he turned into robbed the world of a great talent, no doubt about it. He could have done so much more, been so much more than the oddity he ended up being. For that, I am very sad. But enough already.

The death of the “Gloved One” completely eclipsed the passing of another icon of my generation, Farrah Fawcett. Watched “Charlie’s Angels” every week when I was a young girl. My friends and I would argue about who got to be Farrah’s character, Jill, when we’d play “Charlie’s Angels”…we all wanted to be her. She was beautiful and spunky, and boy could she kick some butt! I admire her so much for publicly chronicling her battle with cancer in a documentary earlier this year. She seemed to handle the whole situation from the first time she was diagnosed in 2006 with such grace and dignity. I know that I could not display even an ounce of her strength and courage if faced with the same fight. I’d like to think I could, but I know better.

One final note…the media disgusts me. Or maybe it’s our culture nowdays that I should be appalled with. Maybe if we weren’t such voyeurs now the media wouldn’t find it necessary to show certain things. Or maybe because they do, we are. Sort of a chicken and the egg kind of thing. Anyway, last night I saw 2 things during the coverage of MJ’s death that just enraged and sickened me to no end. First was the news helicopter following the LAPD chopper that was transporting MJ’s body from the hospital to the coroner’s office, where they showed his remains being unloaded and taken down into the building. Second was a still photo – God knows what sicko took the shot and then sent it to the media – of Michael, on the gurney, unconscious, with an EMT holding a respriator thingy – you know, the mask with the big squeeze bulb that they use to breathe for people who aren’t on their own? – on his face. Nobody needed to see either of those things!!! NO ONE! Especially not his FAMILY. Dispicable. Disgusting. Unforgivable. You out there in the news business…make me sick to my stomach…where is your sense of decency??? That is not news! That is the end of someone’s life. It should be a private thing, not splashed all over the television and tabloids for public consumption.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Some things are just too good to keep to yourself. This recipe is most definitely one of them!! It’s also the best kind of recipe: quick and simple. I made it for dinner (for me mostly, since the hubby isn’t a seafood fan) last night and was very pleased with it. The only change I made was that I used about a pound of medium shrimp that I happened to have purchased the day before instead of the jumbo shrimp it calls for….and it turned out fantastic. So without further ado, here it is – bon appetit!

4 Minute Spicy Garlic Shrimp
Serves 2
• 12 shrimp (Jumbo sized, peeled, deveined, & tails intact)
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 2 garlic cloves (crushed with the side of a knife)
• 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
• 1 teaspoon steak seasoning (Montreal Seasoning by McCormick is recommended)
• 1 teaspoon lemon zest (optional)
• 2 teaspoons lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon fresh parsley (chopped)

1. Heat a large skillet over medium high heat.
2. Add olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes, and shrimp.
3. Season with grill seasoning or salt & pepper.
4. Cook shrimp 3 minutes or until just pink.
5. Toss with lemon zest, juice, & chopped parsley.
6. Remove shrimp to a serving platter, leaving the garlic cloves in the pan

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sick of RAIN!!!!

I’m tired of living in Seattle!!!! Enough with the rain already!!!!! Holy. Cannolli. It has RAINED every stinkin’ day for 3 weeks!! Well, almost every day… I think there may have been 3 days in that period that we didn’t get rained on. If it doesn’t stop soon I may fling myself off a bridge ((sigh)) Honestly, y’all…I don’t know HOW people can live in places where it rains a lot. I caught a serious case of the blues from all the gloom outside. Boo-koo bummed out. Weepy, droopy, sad. Dragging my sorry self to work when all I really wanted to do was crawl in bed and stay there. I finally went tanning Friday and that seemed to snap me out of it….fake sun is better than no sun, right?

For those of you who have kids or are still a kid at heart (like moi), you have GOT to go see “Up”. I went with the hubby Saturday night and laughed until my sides hurt. I think it will be way more humorous for those of you who have or have had dogs….if you haven’t had the pleasure, the dog humor won’t be nearly as funny (i.e. “the cone of shame”). But the interaction between the old guy and the kid was funny by itself (snipe hunt anyone??) Most certainly worth $8 and an hour and a half of your time.

We’ve made plans to take a trip south, to Moab, Lake Powell, Kanab and the Grand Canyon. Originally Steve suggested it coincide with our anniversary in July. After some discussion (while the heat doesn’t bother me much, I know that Steve and Chris would NOT enjoy themselves in the 100+ degree weather that is the norm in those parts at the end of July) we decided on going in September. I am super excited to see the GC, since I didn’t get to on my trip in March. And of course, while we’re in the area, I will be spending some time volunteering out at Dog Town. YAY!!!! I am so happy to be returning to the sanctuary and to be able to show my family Dog Town and the rest of Angel Canyon. I enjoyed my stay in Kanab so much the first time with my friend, Laura, it will be extra special to share time there with my fam :0)

Have a great day!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cards for Daniel

At work, I tune in to Dr Laura in the afternoons. Mostly because it’s the only station I can get on my poor little radio…too much interference to pick up anything else, really. I listen off and on while she’s on, but I mostly have the radio on for background noise. I can’t stand the quiet in the office when it’s not on….drives me nuts. Anyway, I was listening Wednesday afternoon when Dr Laura started the hour with the story of a young serviceman who has been severely wounded in the line of duty and the request his parents have made to help brighten the day of this brave soldier. I think this is a very worthy endeavor and wanted to post it to spread the word. This is what Dr Laura related on her show:

"Sgt. Daniel Thornhill was seriously injured in Afghanistan two years ago by a suicide bomber. This soldier has lost both legs, is paralyzed from the waist down and has suffered severed burns over his arms, hands and body. He has been rehabbing at the Fisher House in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. ( article: Veteran loses limbs in battle, but not hope)

His parents have reached out for support -- not financially, but they are asking for as many service members, veterans, and others as possible to please send him a birthday card. His birthday is this coming week and it would be nice if a lot of us send him a note to show him how much we love him for what he has sacrificed for his country.

And if you're in the in the San Antonio area, stop by and visit not only this troop but others who may be in the same situation and Sgt. Thornhill and his family.

Please brighten the day of a hero."

Mailing address:
Sgt. Daniel Thornhill
Fort Sam Houston Fisher House
3623 George C. Beach Rd
Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well it’s about time! Jeez Louise!!! I really hadn’t intended on not posting for this long, but you know how it goes….things get crazy at work, at home; you find that while you have things to share, you just don’t have the time to write. Or, when you do have time, you just don’t feel like firing up the ol’ PC and clickty clacking away on the keyboard. It’s been a busy couple weeks…work has been…well…stressful and exhausting, to put it mildly; home has been a wonderful refuge from all the chaos of the workday, which is as it should be. The fam has had plenty of playtime over the last few weeks as well. From a family outing to the Arco desert (I’ll post some pics later) the day after my DH’s birthday for a day of target shooting, to lunch and a movie in a complete monsoon, to tossing the football outside in the evenings, to a trip to SLC for a Moochie’s sandwich and a new toy for the hubby. Yes, we have a new addition to the family…I have to admit, it’s a cute little guy :0) It’s German…fahrfegnugen (lol). Sounds a-maz-ing. I’ll snap a pic or two to share. Oh! I planted 2 tomato plants…for a container garden since I don’t have time for a REAL garden. I am pleased to report that they have blossoms on them – yay!!! I’ve never planted tomatoes before. Thought about it lots. Wanted to do it for years. Finally took the plunge. Am being rewarded with the promise of yummy tomatoes to come :0) I also got some raspberry starts from a friend, planted them; my darling husband trimmed them with the weed whacker on accident. I almost had heart failure. Steve felt terrible. The poor little things were only in the ground for 2 weeks before they got whacked :0( The good news is that the stalks are still green. The local grower that these plants originally came from said they should be okay. (I put some Miracle Grow on them anyway. Couldn’t hurt to have a little nutrient boost, right?) Dreams of fresh raspberries may have to wait until next year, though. Sigh. FINALLY settled on paint colors for the living room and kitchen – woo hoo! Looking forward to getting those 2 rooms (and the hallway) painted. They’ve needed it for quite some time but we – okay, I – could not decide what color. I waffle. What can I say?? On our little excursion to SL last weekend, we took the scenic route back out to I-15 from Moochies: down Highland Drive, through the cities of Sugarhouse and Liberty Heights. Never been to either city, so it was something new. I have to tell ya, if I HAD to move to SLC, those would be the places I’d want to move to….beautiful older homes, cute little neighborhoods, adorable little shops. And a Barnes & Noble the size of Rhode Island! Loved it loved it loved it. Well, I guess I’ve babbled enough for now. Have a great day all!!!!