Monday, October 24, 2011

WhY i WeaR FUZZY soX

Reasons why i wear thick, soft fuzzy socks:

1% because they're warm
1% because they're comfy
98% because I can shuffle across the carpet and shock the bejeebers out of my unsuspecting victim!

Ahhhhh....fuzzy socks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Costumes in a Box

Those of you who are my age - give or take a few years - probably can remember going to the local Woolworth's or Kmart as a kid to pick out your Halloween costume. Excited beyond words, you raced through the store, dragging whichever parent happened to be lucky (hee hee) enough to accompany you on your mission by the hand down the aisles until you found it - the costume aisle.

And there they were....rows and rows of costumes! Underdog, Batman,Casper the Ghost, Barbie, Cinderella, G.I. Joe, Frankenstein - almost anything you could think of! All stacked on the shelves in their BOXES.

Yes, boxes. Rows and rows of them!

Remember those thin palstic masks with the eyeholes cut out of the face of whomever it was you were going as, the small elastic band attached on each side to hold it on; the "outfit" consisting of a plastic poncho more or less, that tied behind your neck and your back?

I ran across a costume in a box several years ago while browsing an antique store in Evanston, Wyoming with my friend Rose. I was thrilled to see it! I had all but forgotten that piece of my childhood trick or treating experiences. I wish I would have bought it...just to have that little snippet of Halloweens back in the 'good old days'.

Oh well......there's always EBay.

Monday, October 17, 2011


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." ~ Will Rogers

We lost our Moe yesterday. He's running the fields in heaven now. We'll see you later, Moe Mutt. We love you.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Ahhh, fall.

Crisp morning air.
Trees cloaked in brilliant hues.

Stockpots of stews and soups simmering on the stove.
Sunset comes earlier each day.
Pumpkin everything! Pancakes, bread, muffins…yum!
Hot apple cider.

Flannel sheets on the bed.
The smell of fires burning in neighborhood hearths.
Blankets on the couch to snuggle in watching old movies.

Corn mazing and house haunting.
The boys of fall under Friday night lights.
Bread baking in the oven.
