Friday, April 17, 2009

25 Things

My DF, Darla, posted one of these about her the other day...thought it was nifty so I decided to do one as goes:

25 Random Things About Me

1. I was taught Japanese in kindergarden (remember very little of it now, darn it)
2. I have a yellow-belt in Tae Kwon Do
3. Math was the bane of my existence in school (do you REALLY use that algebra?)
4. Purple is my favorite color ever…I love purple everything….except Barney the dinosaur
5. I am exceedingly shy around most people
6. I like fresh coconut but not coconut flavored stuff; ditto with bananas
7. I want to go skydiving and learn to surf
8. I have buried the needle on my speedometer before (one of those dumb HS things)
9. I have drag-raced an on-duty cop (I repeat: one of those dumb HS things…but it sure was fun!)
10. Centipedes, millipedes and earwigs completely freak me out
11. Wish I would have learned to play the violin growing up
12. Love to cook, hate doing the dishes afterward
13. I can not make fudge to save my life (just can’t do it!)
14. Hammocks kick my butt (apparently I am not coordinated enough to work one of these contraptions without falling off)
15. I drowned as a kid (an uncle pulled me off the bottom of the pool)
16. I have worn a Super Bowl ring
17. I still watch cartoons
18. I wish I would have done better in school and gone to college
19. I am a big ol’ bookworm (books are everywhere in my house!)
20. I have toured an active volcano site (the majority of the trails I was on are now under a ton of lava)
21. My biggest fear is losing my husband or kids
22. Someday I hope I can be the person really want to be…I think I’m going in the right direction
23. I still eat raw cookie dough and eat the cake batter leftover in the bowl (unless my son beats me to it)
24. I love to eat with chopsticks
25. I think good soak in a hot bubble bath with a book is one of the best things in the world.

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