Friday, July 24, 2009


We have been searching for a geo-cache hidden on a tank in the local cemetery for about a week now. The clue posted by the individual who hid the dang thing is not overly helpful…the only obvious help it gave was the name ‘rolling thunder’. Guess I must have paid some attention in HS history class or I wouldn’t have known that referred to the tank. (I also know that I secretly dream of driving a Sherman in WalMart’s parking lot so I can just back over the twits who zoom behind me in their cars while I’m backing out of my parking spot…buttheads.) DH, son and I have been all over that silly contraption – on it, around it, under it, looked every which way but hanging upside down from the gun barrel on the turret. Which may be next. You wouldn’t think that locating an item on a tank would be that tough, would you? I mean, anything out of place should just leap right out at you. Oh no. The cache hidden is a ‘micro’….as in reeeeeeaaaaallly small. Up until last night, there were 3 sets of people looking for the thing (at one point we all were wondering if somebody had taken it but the hider confirmed it was still there Wednesday night)…good job Kartchner family on finding it!! There is hope yet for the rest of us to spot the sucker :0)

I’ve decided to start back up on the weights and adding in some other forms of cardio to break up the rut I’ve been in with just walking. While I still love my walks, it just isn’t doing anything to help me get back the shape I had just a few short months ago. So Wednesday I started a lifting routine that works the whole body. Then I did 15 minutes of boxing – jabs, crosses and uppercuts. Ho-ly Toledo. I could tell yesterday that it had some impact on my bod but today? Oy. I hurt. But in a good way (that’s a demented thing to say but it’s true). I feel like I felt after working with the trainer a few years back….hurting but satisfied I had accomplished something. My arms and abs? are sooo sore! It hurts to laugh. I can’t bend at the waist without groaning. Reaching for something hurts my upper arms. Should make painting the living room this weekend interesting ;0)

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