Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank You Veterans

First off, let me say a big huge "thank you" to all the veterans and soldiers who have and are currently serving our great country. We all owe you such a tremendous debit of gratitude that words just can't express. So thank you and God bless.

Must be something in the water today…everyone here at work is CRAN-KY!! I know wherefrom my crankiness springs – I found out about 6 this morning that my dear son (bless his little pea brain) left his TEAM SUIT in the hotel the team stayed at over the weekend for their meet. He managed to bring back everything he took except for the one thing he could not leave. Yes, I called the hotel. Their head housekeeper is off today and tomorrow, so they will have to wait for the manager to come in (God only knows when that will be), find a few minutes in his/her schedule to go to where ever it is they keep the stuff left in the rooms and look for his suit. Then they will call me and let me know. Late this afternoon. Or this evening. Or sometime tomorrow. IF they have the suit, they will fax me a form to fill out with card info so they can then ship it to us. If they DON’T have it, I may lose my freaking mind. You see, he has a competition on Saturday. If the hotel does not have his suit, I then have to fork out yet another $60 for a replacement suit, which of course the local swim shop have in stock in every size BUT his and will have to order. That will take a week to get here. ((SIGH)) It’s always something……

Gotta give a big “ATTA GIRL!!” to my friend, Darla…she has worked very hard at breaking thru the plateau she’s been at for the last few months and finally busted on thru that bad boy!!! (I see a great new pair of cute little Gap jeans in her very near future!) And anyone who has tried to lose weight and just could not seem to get the scale to go anywhere after a certain point knows how stinking hard it is to break a weight plateau. Brutal. So kudos to her!!!

Trying to get my ducks in a row for Thanksgiving dinner. I think I have the “menu” all mapped out, but I am waffling on whether or not I’m overdoing it. I want to make sure that there is plenty of everything, but not so much left over that I can’t get the refrigerator door shut. There will be 6 of us total (4 guys and 2 gals) and I’ve got 2 breads (white and whole wheat), mashed and sweet ‘taters, salad, corn, stuffing, turkey, chocolate cream pie (won’t last an hour after dinner), pumpkin pie and an apple pie. Wow. May be a bit too much….I had planned on sending a big thing of leftovers home with my DIL so he can munch afterward, but that still may leave more food than I want to deal with. Hmm. Have to give it a good think…..

Have a great day......hug a soldier!!!

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