Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

So here we are, the “day after”…Black Friday. Did we all survive dinner yesterday without downing some Pepto or popping a button on our britches?? Ugh…I’m still full from yesterday; I did not pig out, but that slice of Death By Chocolate cake for dessert was extremely rich and filling. Dinner was sooo good at my house. And I’m not just saying that because I cooked. Everything turned out wonderful so I am heap big happy about that :0) I don’t have quite as much leftovers as I had figured, but enough to munch on some stuffing, sweet ‘taters and a turkey sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

Speaking of Black Friday, I can not count the number of times this week that I was asked if I was going shopping today. The answer to that is a resounding NOT ON YOUR LIFE, JACK. There is nothing I need that bad to justify standing outside of _____________ store (pick one) at a barely civilized hour to stand in line with 5 bazillion crazed people…outside in the dark and cold to wait for the store to open so I can save a few bucks. Seriously people! Several friends do this ever year and I think they have lost their ever-loving minds. I would much rather get a big ol’ cuppa joe, a muffin or 2, find a good place to sit and just watch all the hysteria unfold. WAAAY more entertaining :0) It’s sort of like going to a bar…it’s lots more fun to watch the drunk(s) than be the drunk.

Enjoy your leftovers and have a great day!!!

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