Monday, December 15, 2008

Let the Shoveling Begin!

On Saturday, Mother Nature really let ‘er rip, I’ll tell you….we had a foot of snow (dogs were up to their bellys in snow while romping in the back yard, so that’s around a foot, easy…give or take) dumped on us between, oh I’d say 5:30 am and 11 am. Took about 45 minutes to shovel (that's not me in the pic...just one I found on the 'net) the drive…after the plow come by to fill in the end of it. Thanks to a sweet neighbor and his snowblower, I didn’t have to move all the snow the plow left… yay!!! My shoulders are hating life…they’re reallllllly tender….under my arms, between the shoulder blades. Ouch. I forgot how much work it is to throw that stuff. Even if it’s the light fluffy stuff. I also forgot how much fun my dogs have in the snow. They get just soooo excited to go out to play in the snow – it’s the cutest thing. Trixie has to stuff her face into any hole in the snow she sees (could be a mouse in there! Oh boy!!) so she ends up with snow all over her face and caked on the end of her nose. Moe just runs around like an idot…if the snow is very deep, he’ll hop like a dang kangaroo across the yard. Oh and catching snowballs is his favorite :0) He just can’t figure out where they go when they hit the ground though. It’s quite the mystery. Silly pooch. Doggies will be happy…more snow is on the way tonight. And tomorrow. And the next day. ((sigh)) C’est la vie, cheries.

Have a great day and remember to be kind….you never know who will really need it today.

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