Thursday, February 12, 2009

The week from Hades!!!

When you have a week that starts with a full moon and ends with Friday the 13th, you should have some sense of how it’s going to go. And that would be “not well”. Between absolute chaos at work and crap happening on a personal level, it has truly been the week from hell. I have stongly resembled ol’ Homer up there in the picture most of my waking hours every day this week. I am SOOOO ready to get this week over and done with. I’m done!!had it!!fed UP!!! (LOL) Yeah, I can laugh about it a little, but seriously y’all…it’s been a doozy of a week! I won’t bore you with all the gory details, but suffice it to say that I have contemplated flushing myself down the toilet and hanging out with the Tidy Bowl man…sigh. The high points of my week? The 100% on my mid-term last night (woo hoo!) and the gorgeous bouquet of roses that were delivered about an hour ago from the love of my life (and certainly my better half). Big smooches to you, honey…love ya!!!!

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