Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hi there!!!

Thursday already…woo hoo! Y’all feelin’ like kicking some butt today?! Good! Me too! I’m a bit feisty and giddy this morning (an odd combination in my eyes, but what the heck…I’ll run with it) causing me to feel somewhat on the “30 feet tall and bulletproof” side today. Sort of a “Wonder Woman” day. I just need to make sure not to trip on my cape ;0) That would totally ruin my whole harmonious vibe! (LOL)

Oh, just a note on my Wordless Wed. pic yesterday….while that picture is originally of the famous “Dogs Playing Poker” painting, the one I posted is modified to include 2 of Chany and James’ dogs…the black lab and the pug in the visor are theirs. My DH Photoshopped them in after hearing about Benny the Pug hanging out at the poker table all night when Chany and James had a bunch of friends over for a poker night. We were joking that they should have pulled up a chair and dealt Benny in; so in a flash of brilliance, hubby came up with the idea of putting their dogs into the picture for a joke. I think it turned out pretty good, myself. DH is still looking for a good pic of a fat ol’ stogie to stick in Benny’s mouth as the one he has there now looks too small and skinny. If ya have a tough, poker-playing Pug, he needs a big old cigar to puff on. Right?

Class is going okay. I can tell this is NOT my cup of tea, however. I am finding some small measure of comfort knowing that I was never a junkie in a previous life; if I had been this experience would be WAY easier (lol). While I don’t completely suck, I am frustrated at the level of relative ease and confidence that my classmates are able to perform their venipunctures with. They all seem to be “wham, bam” and they’re done. Me, my confidence level is….well, lower than a snake’s belly, frankly. I know I can do it, and I have; last night I got 4 vials out of the hardest person in class to draw on…no one else has been able to do it thus far, so that’s a nice little confidence boost. But it really shakes my tree when I screw up and let the needle come too far back ruin my stick. I am not able to perform my draws as efficiently and quickly as everyone else, which bothers me as well. While I am relatively sure that everyone in my class does not have a rig at home to practice their draws, I have to wonder why it appears so much easier for them than for me. I tend to beat myself up a lot for not doing things well right off the bat (which my instructor has pointed out to me, which is not news to me…my tae kwon do instructor told me the same thing several years ago). I just stress out too much about messing up (((sigh))) I need to quit kicking my own butt about this....I know I’ll get better at it. I wish I could practice more than just in lab during class…I have an idea about doing that without the actual needle and draw tubes…give it a go and see what happens. I’m going to tough it out, finish the course, pass my state boards and get my nationals as well. Then on to bigger and better things.

Finalizing plans for a little adventure in the spring with my good friend Laura. I am beyond jacked up for this!!!! Can not wait!!!! This will be the first time I’ve taken a vacation in…maybe 8 years?! It’s about dang time, don’t ya think? :oD No boys allowed on our trip, either. This will be a week-long “girl’s night out”. Doing some volunteer work, seeing some sights (hel-lo Grand Canyon..woo hoo!!), hanging out. It will be a much needed break for us both. Good for both body and soul. So excited! Can’t wait! Did I mention that already?? :0)

Well that’s it for me. You guys have a wonderful day today! Carpe diem!!!

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