Friday, July 11, 2008

Where's my muu-muu??

Okay I had a complete "girl moment" this know those moments - the ones where you look in your closet and think "I have nothing to wear". In my case, I had nothing I wanted to wear this morning. Ugh. I was having flashbacks of my high school days where it would take 45 minutes and many many MANY changes of clothes before I found something acceptable to wear. Today it only took half an hour and several outfits before I bagged it and just kept on the last outfit I tried on. Where's a muu muu when you need was seriously to the point that if I would have had one in the closet I would have happily thrown it on and come to work ;0) Ths rediculous thing is I don't have a job where I need to dress up. My standard work attire is jeans and a tee shirt or sweatshirt, for heaven's sake! Ugh.

Anyway, happy Friday to you all and enjoy a fab weekend!!

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