Friday, May 16, 2008


Let's hear it for Friday everyone...YAY!!!!!!! And I get a special treat...not only is it Friday, it's payday, it fabulous weather outside AND we're only working 1/2 day today - yee haw! Being as how I am in desperate need of flowers in my flower beds (and really wanting to plant some strawberries this year) I am heading to the nursery as soon as I am finished with work. I've been dying to plant something for weeks but the weather has just not cooperated...too rainy and too cold.

I need to give a big shout out to my friend Darla....she's working on a personal goal of running 2 miles today. She has been working soooo hard to get there and I know she can do it. You go girlfriend! I know you can hit the 2 mile mark!!!!

Going out for a belated birthday dinner for my hubby with a bunch of friends. I'm not too crazy about the resturant that was chosen as I have not heard very good things about their food or the service. Comments like "you just have to know what to order" don't exactly inspire confidence in their menu. If I'm going out to eat I'd like to know that pretty much everything on the menu is good. I don't know...we'll see.

My dad-in-law, oldest dauther and her hubby and hopefully my youngest daughter are all coming tomorrow for a family day. I'm excited to see them and spend time hanging out. Maybe we can go play laser tag or rock climb while they're here.

You all have a great weekend and make every minute count!

1 comment:

crazydarla said...

LOL Thanks for the hollar' but I didn't make it :O( :O( :O( I stayed up too late last night, slept in this morning and it all came back on me. Tommorrow I have the 5K fun run with the kids and I am taking Sunday OFF for sure... so Monday I am going for it! Send me mojo sister!!!
Have a great weekend - LOVE this weather too!