Thursday, September 4, 2008

Luv that Gov!

Let’s hear it for the Governor of the great state of Alaska!!!! (and yes, that is Mt McKinley in the photo...thanks Suz!) Woo hoo!!! Is Sarah Palin just the bomb or what. Seriously! She’s awesome. I think the GOP needs to flip the ticket and have HER run for prez with McCain as the VP! And I for one would loveloveLOVE to see her debate Obama…forget debating Joe Biden, let’s put her in the ring with Barack and let them go a few rounds. She’ll take him apart. She has more experience than Obama could even think about having! When you’re a mayor or a governor, you actually RUN things! You have to make decisions about matters at hand and are accountable for the success or failure of your choices. Senators get to pass the buck…there’s a boatload of other people (your fellow senators, the House of Representatives, the President, ect) you can blame things on when your vote turns out to be the wrong one. Senators don’t even need to vote “yes” or “no”; ask Barack Obama…he just votes “present”. What the heck does that mean, “present”?!? That’s roll call, not a vote. And what exactly does a “community organizer” do? What tough decisions do they have to make? Who to protest against next? Governor Palin is a tough, no nonsense, talk-the-talk-and-walk-the-walk, honest, hard working, everyday ordinary woman; what you see is what you get. She’s genuine. She has more integrity and grit than either of the people on the Democrat ticket by far. I am prouder to be a Republican woman now than I have been in years. We finally seem to have someone who is not afraid to tell it like it is, who wants to actually do the people’s business, and who will work for the good of our country, not what’s “policitally correct” or boost her poll numbers. You go, girl.

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