Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The frost is on the pumpkin this morning, I'll tell you what...it's COLD!!! Right now (9:15am) it is 38 degrees. 38. I know that every year around fair time, it starts to get s bit chilly at night but this is rediculous! On top of that, it snowed over 3 inches yesterday up the canyon (I know because one of the guys I work with was up there hunting all weekend). ICK :0(

My weekend didn't go quite like I had planned, but what's new ;0) No painting. Lots of housework. My son had a bunch of friends over all day Sunday to play D & D and Xbox, just hang out...they had a blast so it was well worth sacrificing my paint plans.

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. Sorry this is short but work is a madhouse this morning.

Have a good one!

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